

¥ 3,300 (税抜)

編著:草野 篤子、溝邊 和成、内田 勇人、作田 はるみ、村山 陽

発売日 : 2022年11月20日
言語 : 日本語
単行本(ソフトカバー) : A5版:316ページ
ISBN-13 :  978-4-908877-46-9

カテゴリー: ,




第1部 世代間交流:日本
Part 1 Intergenerational Exchange in the world; Japan

第1章 子ども食堂に見る世代間交流-ケアリングとしての役割-
Intergenerational Exchange as Seen in Children’s Cafeterias – The Role of Caring

第2章 くわなの宿における幼老統合ケアの実践と成果
Practice and Results of Integrated Care for the Elderly and Young at Kuwana-No-Yado

第3章 小平西地区地域ネットワークづくりの取り組み
Organizing the Regional People’s Network in the Western Part of Kodaira City

第4章 幼老統合施設として-社会福祉法人 江東園35年の歩みとこれから-
Looking back on 35 years of the intergenerational programs at Social welfare corporation, Kotoen, and what will await us for the future of the intergenerational society

第5章 囲碁を活用した世代間交流プログラムの開発と実践
Development and Practice of Intergenerational Exchange Programs Using Go

第6章 地域に共生・協働意識が継続する世代間交流プログラム-四半世紀続いているA小学校の「里孫制度」-
Intergenerational exchange programs that continue to create a sense of coexistence and cooperation in the community:
The “Foster-Grandchildren System” has continued for a quarter of a century in A primary School

第7章 高校生とシニア健康ボランティアによる食を伝える世代間地域ネットワークづくりのための活動
High School Students and Senior Health Volunteers’ Activities for Intergenerational Community Networking to Pass on Food Culture

第8章 学童保育における地域特性に合わせた世代間交流プログラム
Intergenerational exchange program in after-school care optimized for regional characteristics

第9章 地域子育て支援への参加開始・継続動機と世代性
Motivation for starting and continuing participation in childcare support and ‘generativity’

第10章 これからの日本における世代間交流の展望-米国テンプル大学世代間交流学習センターの実践からの検討-
The Future Prospects for Intergenerational Exchange in Japan;
Drawing Upon the Innovation and Lessons Learned from the Center for Intergenerational Learning at Temple University, in the U.S.A.

第11章 剣道を通した世代間交流の可能性
Possibility of intergenerational exchange through Kendo

第12章 地域の子育て世代と中高年の多世代交流型水引講座
Community Intergenerational MIZUHIKI Lecture Program for Parenting, Middle Aged and Older Persons

第13章 行事食伝承事業における高齢者と高校生の世代間交流
Intergenerational Exchange between the Elderly and High School Students in the “Project of Passing on the Food” Events

第14章 地域ボランティアとの世代間交流を通じた高校生のキャリア発達に及ぼす影響:3年間の縦断調査から
The Effects of an Intergenerational Exchange with Community Volunteers on Career Development of High School Students: A Three-year Longitudinal Study

第15章 園児来校型ふれ合い体験を通して生徒に生じた感情と学び
Emotions and Learning of Students through Interaction with Preschool Children

第16章 世代間交流が生まれる学校システム
School System that Create Intergenerational Exchange

第2部 世代間交流:諸外国
Part 2 Intergenerational Exchange in the World; Several Countries

Chapter 1
Connecting and Reflecting: Intergenerational Activities that Build a Safety Net of Community

Chapter 2
CoGenerations: A Cross-Generational Participatory Action Research Project

Chapter 3
Teaching Caring:Successful Intergenerational Service-Learning Projects

Chapter 4
Conserving and restoring social systems:Lessons learned from “naturalizing” intergenerational relations in three diverse programs in Canada

Chapter 5
The Role of Self-directed Leadership in the Development of Intergenerational Activities and Programs: A Personal Journey

Chapter 6
The Macrosad Chair and Intergenerational Reference Center: A case of engaged evidence-informed knowing in Spain

Chapter 7
Intergenerational Practice in a Digital World

Chapter 8
Intergenerational Learning for Senior Learners with Young “Teachers” in Singapore

Chapter 9
Intergenerational Housing Plaza de America Building

Chapter 10
Generations Connect:Strengthening Community Connectedness

第3部 メッセージ
Part 3  Message

Intergenerational Exchange Activities as a Social Network Towards Creation of a New

Growing an Intergenerational Community from Child-care Center as the Core

Intergenerational Studies: A Multi-Pronged, Yet Unified Field of Inquiry and Practice

The intergenerational learning circle in cooperation between the school and the community

Intergenerativity for the future

Three Future-oriented Personal Reflections
